domingo, 25 de maio de 2014

Unpaid internships: exploitation or a consequence of modern trends?

One of the biggest consequences of the current crisis was the incredible increase in the unemployment rate across almost all over the world, and both in the developed and developing countries.
All groups of people were highly affected: the youngers with no experience, the olders with years or even decades of experience, the people with higher education or with the basic education.
However, even being dramatic for the people in the 40's or 50's to find a new job or to change their careers, in my oppinion the problem is even bigger within the youngers, especially those with higher education, because after completing their studies and doing their part of the task, our current society is not corresponding with the other part. But, even not being the fault of the youngers, the reality is that they are who is really suffering the most.
The companies don't want to waste time teaching the youngers, especially because they see that, what the students learn on college is too far away from the reality. Also the recession and the increase in the retirement age don't allow the economy to create enough vacancies for the youngers who are starting to join the labour market.
So we are facing a very hard dilemma: the youngers want and need to find a job, and the labour market can't give them one. What is the solution for this dilemma? On one side we have the youngers, desperate to find a job and to show they value, ready to do anything and to obtain some work experience. On the other side we have the companies that, even the recession and the increase in the retirement age, they always need new employees, But, since the main goal of any company is to maximize the profits, by reducing the costs, the best way to achieve it, is by subcontract and explore the workforce. And the better way to do that, is by the unpaid internships.

Some years ago, before the beggining of the current crisis, this could be seen as an abuse. However, the arguments used now turn it in the best way for the youngers to enter the labour market.
I can admit that one paid internship can be a good way to enter the labour market and to know how the labour market really works. I even made one on holidays. But when the internship is not a summer internship? And when it's lenght is more than 3 or even 6 months? And when the youngers  take not only one but many more unpaid internships? What about the many youngers that arrives to the 30's only doing unpaid internshiops without any permament job?
The argument of "a unpaid position to help the yungers to adapt themselves to the labour market" is not valid anymore? And in fact, it was never valid. The companies are trying to turn the fresh graduates in some kind of some illiterate people, like if they don't even know how to use a computer, how to make mental calculus, or to take care of some tasks. It's true that there is a gap between what is learnt on the college and what is the reality, but that doesn't mean that the graduates are so unable like rocks with diplomas. And a 3 month placement can be used as an argument for the experimental period. And what about the longer internships?
Is it really necessary so much time to learn the tasks, especially when the intern is working always in the same department, in the same team and even doing the same tasks?

The other argument used by the companies is the fact that the interns don't create value for the company, and the comapnies are loosing money and time teaching the interns.
To answer this, we need to analyze what the interns do in the company. Do they start to take important and full of responsabilities tasks? The answer is obvious! But even being the less important tasks, that abyone want to do, they are still necessary for the company's activity.
And no one needs so much time to understand and to make the tasks right!

To conclude, more than never, the unpaid internships are a consequence of the current crisis. And until the power of decision is not balanced between the demand and the supply of work, they will still persist.
Probably the youngers don't have other choice than accept them. But of course, there are limits. When the life, the safety and the respect by the intern are not fullfiled. Even not receiving a salary, the unpaid interns should nottake some situations that don't respect his integrity.
There are a line, beyond it's really considered slavery.

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