In this article I will talk about some of the reactions about Wurst's victory and some of her biggest moments.
The victory: support from the West and hate/indifference from the East
Last year's contest was another contest in which the people didn't have a big consensus about the winning song, unlike some past editions like 2013 or 2012. Austria was one of the favourites but, some bad comments and reactions about that character made the chances for Conchita's victory many difficult. But the truth was that, surprising for some and expected for others, Conchita did win the contest with the 4th biggest points awarded in the grand final. But even with only 4 countries not voting for Austria, Europe last year was tottaly divided into 2 parts. Despite the 12 points from Israel, the other 12 countries that gave the maximum points to Austria were all from the West (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland and Sweden). Conchita was clearly the winner in the West but not so clear in the East. Even being in the TOP3 points from Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania and Georgia, the fact is that 3 of the countries that didn't give a single point for Austria were from the East too (Poland, Belarus and Armenia). And of course I need to mention all the polemic and the boycott threats to participation in the contest from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Many voices, even from politicians and ministers especially from Russia accused Conchita for giving a bad example for the kids and to violate the good values of tradition, And the comments became even worst, saying that Conchita should die and burn in hell.
The truth after all was that the big part of Europe supported Conchita and her song.
Of course the controversy was intensified after the show especially between Conchita and Russia. But of course the problems were not only between Russia and Conchita.
Just a few days after Conchita's victory Angel Dzhambazki, an european congressman from Bulgariam said that Conchita is a genetically modified organism. That sentence is very hard to understand since Conchita only put implants on brest and long hair: according to her press conference after the grand final, Conchita is still a man.
The controversy with the Christian Religions
Of course the Conchita's caracther was also a controversy issue for the christian religions.
And in that subject, we saw two opposite reactions.
First, the negative and absurd comments from the orthodox Patriarch of Serbia that blamed the gays and the Conchita's victory for the storms that happened in the Sava River and caused the death of dozens of persons in the Balcan region. It's very strange to see that a Austrian singer that won in Denmark was responsible for storms that happened... in Serbia. Even more strange is the fact that the pedophile priests or even the gay ones are not responsible for nothing.
One the other side, we received an amazing positive reaction from the Arcebishop Schonborn from Vienna who said that "In the garden fo the Lord there's space for everyboy", which is clearly and anti-hate message for Conchita. This surprising reaction received a positive feedback and support not only inside the catholic church but also outside it.
Presence in important places
After Conchita's victory, she performed in many places, including of course the gay parades and other gay-friendly events in many cities. But I would like to highlight the presence and concert in the European Parliment, a way to show that in the European Union there's shouldn't be place for hat and homophobia Unfortunately, in some of its members the hate still persists. I would love to see the Angel Dzhambazki's reaction in front of Conchita Wurst.
In all the editions we face lots of controversy about many subjects. But one of the most controversial was last year's edition. But despite all the bad reactions and comments the truth is that Conchita is one of the most famous winners from recent years and, brought attentions to the Eurovision from people that usually don't pay attention to that contest.
What about this year? We have already some controversies but they will not be so big like last year!
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