Well, today is precisely six months, half a year, I created this blog. Returning to the opening message, this blog didn't have neither have a specific theme, which messages served for me to present, often by way of relief, my opinions on various topical issues. I tried to be impartial when I could and tried to talk about various topical issues, taking into account my availability (I'm aware that there were many important news that I had material for "lecture" here, but whose lack of time did not let me) , my area of training and my tastes.
In just six months, the blog has gone through many phases and has evolved in different directions. Initially I began by talking about my major areas of interest that could post to this blog: Eurovision and Simpsons. This was followed by the economy (such as could not speak of Greece and of sovereign debt crisis?), Politics and European football.
With the introduction of messages in English and some also in German (and here I appreciate the help of my good friend Pilipa Lino), the blog became much more international. At this time, all European countries have visited my blog, and those with less views have exceeded the 100. From the beginning until almost the end of June, it was Portugal who led the number of views, until on June 21st, when the United States surpassed Portugal as the country with more views of my blog, continuing to increase the difference between U.S. and Portugal.
Outside of Europe and beyond the U.S., highlight as the coutries who visited most my blog, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, India, Taiwan, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Here is the list of countries from where there were more views on my blog:
1 - United States of America;
2 - Portugal;
3 - Germany;
4 - Russia (Russia remained with the 3rd country with views over to the blog do almost four months);
5 - United Kingdom;
6 - Brazil;
7 - Greece (after all, it is still a surprise to me!)
8 - Spain;
9 - Serbia (this then is really a surprise);
10 - Austria;
At the hour when I was writing this message (in Portuguese), the total views of my blog stood at 13,787.
The period of most views was between 19 and 28 May, with 2098 views only in this period, which coincided with the Eurovision week.
And actually this blog, like it or not, owes much of its success to the Eurovision. As we can see in the picture that tops this message, the Eurovision theme was the most viewed and ordered by those who acceded to this blog.
Here is the TOP 10 of most viewed posts ever:
1st - Melodifestivalen 2012: The Winner Is... online voting results (yesterday passed the message that is now in second place: I admire a lot, but I presume that, by the research of keywords in search engines, is the image of Loreen, who associates the word "cover") .
2nd - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012! (XI) (as I said in previous messages, this message a few days after I have posted, just figured among the top 10 ever seen, and three weeks later led the TOP10 this until yesterday);
3rd - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012! (V) (was the most viewed, even writing that is now in 2nd place);
4th - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012 (VI);
5th - Eurovision in Baku 2012! (I) ;
6th - Eurovisão: a caminho de Baku 2012! (I) ;
7th - SIMPSONS e a vida real I: Bart & Lisa Simpson ;
8th - Eurovision: walking to Baku 2012! (X) ;
9th - Grécia: o melhor não será a bancarrota? ;
10th - Rebecca Black: do "Friday" ao "My Momment"
And the name "Loreen" completely dominated both messages, as research for keywords in search engines, as we see here, in the words most sought that gave access to my blog:
1st - Loreen euphoria cover (a search for this keyword, the image is in the message most viewed today, was for several weeks the first to appear in search engines, hence the leadership of this message, it is no longer the time for its better visualization).
2nd - Loreen euphoria (was leading for several weeks, since the message I posted on the choice of Sweden to Eurovision began to become famous);
3rd - Tooji (goes up the same as with the messages: the word that has more access to this blog, until the phenomenon "Loreen");
4th - Loreen euphoria cover (for the same reasons discussed above);
5th - can Bonomo;
6th - danny Montell;
7th - buranovskiye babushki (which have contributed to the current 2nd most viewed post, have been almost three months, as the most viewed ever);
8th - litesound;
9th - esc 2012 greece;
By the way, speaking of Loreen, was released this Tuesday, 5th, the official videoclip of "Euphoria", which can be seen HERE.
Here is all the more remarkable the weight of the theme of "Eurovision" on visits to this blog. As for keywords, I can say that there have been other words that have access to my blog "Greek debt crisis", "Europe in crisis", "Standard & Poor's", "Da Vinci code is fake?", "Família Simpson", "O que penso da China?" and "China e EDP" There were other words access, but they were in German and I do not remember what they were! I've tried to search some of these words, and I confess that I do not know how they managed to access my blog, but thankfully this was accomplished ...
And the future? For while I can still say that soon I'll post some more messages, but before the end of the month, the blog will go on vacation. But I'll be aware of what is coming during these weeks. After the summer, only then will I know what comes next. But keep the idea of continuing with this blog, despite having received little feedback at the level of comments. While the format of this blog to be different than usual to see, at the end of each message has a space for comments, where you can comment what you want, even anonymously.
Also, for those who asked me if I do not want my blog has followers, I say that not only want as loved: to become followers, just after opening the blog, hover your mouse at the beginning of the end of the upper half the right side of the screen, where a black bar will appear with the file, access to my profile and the chance to follow my blog (which is just the first).
Before concluding, I have to talk about the mistakes and gaffes I imagine that must proliferate in my blog: indeed, the lack of time does not allow me to reread it carefully to the public. I assume a responsibility for all errors with regard to what I wrote by myself. Any data that is not of my own, I limited myself to just replicate what was already public knowledge.
Pois é: faz precisamente hoje 6 meses, meio ano, que eu criei este blogue. Voltando à mensagem de abertura, este blog não tinha nem tem uma temática específica, cujas mensagens serviam para eu apresentar, muitas vezes em jeito de desabafo, as minhas opiniões sobre vários assuntos da actualidade. Tentei ser imparcial sempre que pude, e tentei falar sobre vários assuntos da actualidade, tendo em conta a minha disponibilidade (tenho noção de que houve muitas notícias importantes que eu tinha matérias para "dissertar" aqui, mas cuja falta de tempo não me deixou), a minha área de formação e os meus gostos.
Em apenas 6 meses, o blog passou por muitas fases e evoluiu em diferentes rumos. Inicialmente comecei por falar sobre as minhas grandes áreas de interesse que poderia postar neste blogue: Eurovisão e Simpsons. Seguiu-se a economia (como não poderia falar da Grécia e da Crise das dívidas soberanas?), política e o europeu de futebol.
Com a introdução de mensagens em Inglês e algumas também em alemão (e aqui agradeço a ajuda da minha grande amiga Filipa Lino), o blogue tornou-se muito mais internacional. Neste momento, todos os países europeus já visitaram o meu blogue, sendo que os com menos visualizações já ultrapassaram as 100. Desde o início e até quase ao final do mês de Junho, era Portugal que liderou sempre o número de visualizações, até que no dia 21 de Junho, os Estados Unidos ultrapassaram Portugal como o país com mais visualizações do meu blogue, continuando a aumentar a diferença entre EUA e Portugal.
Fora da Europa e para além dos EUA, destaco como países que mais visitaram o meu blogue, o Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Índia, Taiwan, Singapura, México, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Indonésia, Malásia, Taiwan, Israel, Arábia Saudita, Arménia, Geórgia e Azerbaijão.
Aqui está a lista dos países de onde houve mais visualizações do meu blogue:
1º - Estados Unidos da América;
2º - Portugal;
3º - Alemanha;
4º - Rússia (a Rússia manteve-se com o 3º país com mais visualizações até o blogue fazer quase 4 meses);
5º - Reino Unido;
6º - Brasil;
7º - Grécia (apesar de tudo, não deixa de ser para mim uma surpresa!!!);
8º - Espanha;
9º - Sérvia (este então é mesmo uma surpresa);
10º - Áustria;
À hora em que estava a escrever esta mensagem, o total de visualizações do meu blogue ascendia a 13 787.
O período de mais visualizações foi entre 19 e 28 de Maio, com 2098 visualizações só nesse período, que coincidiu com a semana da Eurovisão.
E realmente este blogue, quer queiramos quer não, deve muito do seu sucesso à Eurovisão. Como podemos ver na imagem que encima esta mensagem, a temática Eurovisiva foi a mais vista e requisitada por quem acedia a este blogue.
Aqui está o TOP 10 das mensagens mais vistas de sempre:
1º - Melodifestivalen 2012: The Winner Is... online voting results (ultrapassou ontem a mensagem que agora está em segundo lugar: admira-me muito, mas presumo que, pelas pesquisas de palavras-chave em motores de pesquisa, seja pela imagem da Loreen, que se associa a palavra "cover").
2º - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012! (XI) (como já disse em mensagens anteriores, esta mensagem poucos dias depois de a ter postado, figurou logo entre as 10 mais vistas de sempre, e 3 semanas depois liderou o este TOP10 até ontem);
3º - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012! (V) (foi a mais vista, até escrever a que está agora em 2º lugar);
4º - Eurovision: Walking to Baku 2012 (VI);
5º - Eurovision in Baku 2012! (I) ;
6º - Eurovisão: a caminho de Baku 2012! (I) ;
7º - SIMPSONS e a vida real I: Bart & Lisa Simpson ;
8º - Eurovision: walking to Baku 2012! (X) ;
9º - Grécia: o melhor não será a bancarrota? ;
10º - Rebecca Black: do "Friday" ao "My Momment"
E o nome "Loreen" dominou completamente tanto as mensagens, como a pesquisa por palavras-chave nos motores de pesquisa, como podemos ver aqui, nas palavras mais procuradas que deram acesso ao meu blog:
1º - loreen euphoria cover (a pesquisa por esta palavra-chave, a imagem que está na mensagem mais vista actualmente, foi durante várias semanas a primeira a aparecer nos motores de pesquisa: daí a liderança dessa mensagem, que já não está na época para a sua maior visualização).
2º - loreen euphoria (foi líder durante várias semanas, desde que a mensagem que postei sobre a escolha da Suécia para a Eurovisão começou a tornar-se famosa);
3º - Tooji (passa-se o mesmo que com as mensagens: foi a palavra que mais acesso deu a este blogue, até aparecer o fenómeno "Loreen");
4º - euphoria loreen cover (pelos mesmos motivos já apresentados);
5º - can bonomo;
6º - danny montell;
7º - buranovskiye babushki (que deram o seu contributo para a actual 2ª mensagem mais vista, ter ficado quase 3 meses, como a mais vista de sempre);
8º - litesound;
9º - esc 2012 greece;
A propósito, falando de Loreen, foi divulgado esta 5ª-feira dia 5, o videoclip oficial de "Euphoria", que pode ser visto AQUI .
Aqui é ainda mais notável o peso da temática "Eurovisão" sobre as visitas a este blogue. Quanto às palavras-chave, posso adiantar que já houve outras palavras que deram acesso ao meu blogue "Greek debt crisis", "Europe in crisis", "Standard & Poor's", "Da Vinci code is fake?", "Família Simpson", "O que penso da China?" e "China e EDP". Houve também outras palavras com acesso, mas eram em alemão e já não me lembro do que eram!!! Já experimentei pesquisar com algumas destas palavras, e confesso que não sei como conseguiram aceder ao meu blogue: mas ainda bem que o conseguiram...
E o futuro? Por enquanto posso dizer que ainda em breve postarei mais algumas mensagens, mas ainda antes do final do mês, o blogue entrará de férias. Mas estarei atento ao que for surgindo durante essas semanas. Depois do Verão, só nessa altura poderei saber o que virá a seguir. Mas mantenho a ideia de continuar com este blogue, apesar de ter recebido pouco (pouquíssimo!!!) feedback a nível de comentários. Apesar do formato deste blogue ser diferente do que é habitual ver, cada mensagem tem no final um espaço para comentários, onde podem comentar o que quiserem, mesmo sob anonimato.
Além disso, para quem me perguntou se não quero que o meu blogue tenha seguidores, eu respondo que não só quero como gostava muito: para se tornarem seguidores, basta depois de abrir o blogue, passar com o rato pelo princípio da metade superior do extremo do lado direito direito do ecrã, em que irá surgir uma barra preta com o arquivo, o acesso ao meu perfil e a hipótese e seguir o meu blogue (que é logo a primeira).
Antes de terminar, tenho que falar sobre os erros e gafes que imagino que devem proliferar no meu blogue: de facto, a falta de tempo não me permite reler com muita atenção o que publico. Assumo aqui a responsabilidade de todos os erros, no que respeita ao que eu escrevi pela minha autoria. Qualquer dado que não seja da minha autoria, apenas me limitei a replicar o que já era do conhecimento público.
sábado, 7 de julho de 2012
segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012
EURO 2012: The winner is...
This has already us all know who was!!! Yesterday Spain did what no team had done before: get three consecutive titles of selections championships.
Already had to guess that yesterday's game would give much to talk about. And in fact gave ... but not in the sense that people expected. Spain beat Italy by 4 -0, a goal difference than ever before in the finals of a European championship.
For almost the entire game, Italy was concentrated in the antagonisms and left many open among its players, who were taken advantage of by Spain.
Italy was a team that ran a lot in the field, but rarely to the sites "right."
Italy did very well on offense, positioning, shooting, fighting, set-pieces. The problem was on the defensive organization.
Even more surprising was the fact that Italy had more ball possession than Spain, which is very rare with the opponents of Spain. In fact, since the beginning of the game but especially in the 2nd part, Italy created many dangerous situations: the problem was its completion.
As I said previously the two finalist teams have met in the group phase. In that game, in which both teams tied, Italy was much better than the game yesterday: if the tactical scheme had been the same, the outcome of the game probably would have been different.
But Italy is to be congratulated for having managed to reach the final, because the majority of the public bet that they would not even bet that the semi-finals.
Although Prandelli be responsible for the success of bringing Italy to the final, the audacity entered in the form of team playing, ponders his resignation. A new way to play introduced by Prandelli also meets resistance from conservatism of Italian football.
In the final it was proved that it was too early for this new way to play made many effects: but here is a seed for something grander can happen in the next championships.
Speaking now of the big winners of the night, where to start?
Spain showed a great patience in the field, which eventually bring them many advantages. Furthermore, Spain also surprised by the speed and depth of field.
Unlike Italy, Spain was also a very attacking team, but never neglected the defense. Did one of the best games of this championship, which was much benefited by the Italian defense problems.
Looking at the entire journey of Spain, is easy to see that Portugal was the selection more difficult that Spain found in its way.
The Spanish team showed few errors, and lost a few possessions of the ball. At these times, Spain was able to quickly transform offensive formation to defensive formation.
This team were nine players who formed the team winning the 2010 World Cup. This selection will still be talked about, and will remain virtually unchanged, at least until the 2014 World Cup.
And here I end my analysis of this championship. Thanks to all who accompanied me: I hope I have been helpful.
Thank you all!
My sources were, the games and my opinion and of course, the official site of UEFA.
Already had to guess that yesterday's game would give much to talk about. And in fact gave ... but not in the sense that people expected. Spain beat Italy by 4 -0, a goal difference than ever before in the finals of a European championship.
For almost the entire game, Italy was concentrated in the antagonisms and left many open among its players, who were taken advantage of by Spain.
Italy was a team that ran a lot in the field, but rarely to the sites "right."
Italy did very well on offense, positioning, shooting, fighting, set-pieces. The problem was on the defensive organization.
Even more surprising was the fact that Italy had more ball possession than Spain, which is very rare with the opponents of Spain. In fact, since the beginning of the game but especially in the 2nd part, Italy created many dangerous situations: the problem was its completion.
As I said previously the two finalist teams have met in the group phase. In that game, in which both teams tied, Italy was much better than the game yesterday: if the tactical scheme had been the same, the outcome of the game probably would have been different.
But Italy is to be congratulated for having managed to reach the final, because the majority of the public bet that they would not even bet that the semi-finals.
Although Prandelli be responsible for the success of bringing Italy to the final, the audacity entered in the form of team playing, ponders his resignation. A new way to play introduced by Prandelli also meets resistance from conservatism of Italian football.
In the final it was proved that it was too early for this new way to play made many effects: but here is a seed for something grander can happen in the next championships.
Speaking now of the big winners of the night, where to start?
Spain showed a great patience in the field, which eventually bring them many advantages. Furthermore, Spain also surprised by the speed and depth of field.
Unlike Italy, Spain was also a very attacking team, but never neglected the defense. Did one of the best games of this championship, which was much benefited by the Italian defense problems.
Looking at the entire journey of Spain, is easy to see that Portugal was the selection more difficult that Spain found in its way.
The Spanish team showed few errors, and lost a few possessions of the ball. At these times, Spain was able to quickly transform offensive formation to defensive formation.
This team were nine players who formed the team winning the 2010 World Cup. This selection will still be talked about, and will remain virtually unchanged, at least until the 2014 World Cup.
And here I end my analysis of this championship. Thanks to all who accompanied me: I hope I have been helpful.
Thank you all!
My sources were, the games and my opinion and of course, the official site of UEFA.
domingo, 1 de julho de 2012
EURO 2012: final today
And today we reach the grand final of the European football championship held since June 8th, in Poland and Ukraine.
In this game faced two teams that have won this championship, and one is on the verge of getting into the history of European and world football. If Spain win today, will be the first team ever to achieve three consecutive titles after winning the 2008 European and World cup of 2010.
Sure that favoritism is mainly on the Spanish side, but Del Bosque's team will face an Italy that is very surprised by the increase in performance throughout the tournament.
And the great figure who has contributed to all this Italian strength is Mario Balotelli, seen worldwide as "eccentric" and a little "crazy", but which is largely responsible for where Italy is now.
But of course I must also mention Pirlo, who until now was the only player in the European to receive the title of best player on the field in three games.
Also Buffon, the goalkeeper, is a prominent figure in the Italian team, which has defended exceptionally well the goal of the Italian team.
These two players are the only of the team that played at the time when Italy won the 2006 World Cup.
Italy is a team that has become very competitive in this European. The way they play is based on Juventus: the more technical game players bring from their clubs, the easier it will get a technical characterizing the team.
Of course, all the merit of Italy is also due to coach, Prandelli. It is true that he had a curriculum much smaller and modest that Del Bosque (also because he is younger), but left his mark on the Italian team. It is easy to see in the games of Italy, the DNA of the Prandelli's technique.
This team scored a breakthrough when it was used to seeing in Italian football.
As for Spain, is experiencing a golden era over the history of football in the country. It is a team that has remained very strong throughout the tournament, but has some weaknesses, though not so evident:
- In the defensive process: to control Spain is essential to keep it well away from the opposing goal, due to the verticality of its game;
- in the offending process: here the technics to face the Spanish game will be to try to get the ball out of the pressure zone of Spain;
Furthermore Italy should emphasize the depth in view of safety in the passage of the ball. Spain has in the maintainnace of the ball its favorite weapon, so it is more than likely that the ball is mostly of the Spanish team.
As for the coach, leads the rankings of selectors, both of all Spanish (who exercise or have exercised), as all the selectors still active in the world, having conducted Spain three consecutive times for the final of a tournament. It is largely responsible for their golden age, though he never created his own thinking and way of playing.
Unlike Prandelli when Del Bosque took charge of the Spanish team, its technique had already well-defined.
So it has seen of the two teams, the game will promise a lot of excitement and surprises, not for the fact that both teams have a very similar style of play, very upright in the field.
The resurgence of Italy will continue to surprise us, or Spain will leave everyone amazed by the record once again become the best team in Europe?
Only in the end pf the game we will know it ...
Already, one positive note for Pedro Proença, the Portuguese referee who will officiate the grand final today, and reached the top of his career this year. Have refereed the final of the Champions League and now Euro 2012: this year blows the decisive games of the clubs and the selections championship.
The victory remains unknown, except in Madrid where they have doing voodoo tho Spain win this tournament!!!
Now back to repeat what had only happened in Euro 2004: two teams belonging to the same group and they had met in the 1st game, return to measure forces in the final.
In 2004, the result was the same (victory of Greece): here the only possible outcome is not the same as the group stage, because at that time the teams ended up tied.
In this game faced two teams that have won this championship, and one is on the verge of getting into the history of European and world football. If Spain win today, will be the first team ever to achieve three consecutive titles after winning the 2008 European and World cup of 2010.
Sure that favoritism is mainly on the Spanish side, but Del Bosque's team will face an Italy that is very surprised by the increase in performance throughout the tournament.
And the great figure who has contributed to all this Italian strength is Mario Balotelli, seen worldwide as "eccentric" and a little "crazy", but which is largely responsible for where Italy is now.
But of course I must also mention Pirlo, who until now was the only player in the European to receive the title of best player on the field in three games.
Also Buffon, the goalkeeper, is a prominent figure in the Italian team, which has defended exceptionally well the goal of the Italian team.
These two players are the only of the team that played at the time when Italy won the 2006 World Cup.
Italy is a team that has become very competitive in this European. The way they play is based on Juventus: the more technical game players bring from their clubs, the easier it will get a technical characterizing the team.
Of course, all the merit of Italy is also due to coach, Prandelli. It is true that he had a curriculum much smaller and modest that Del Bosque (also because he is younger), but left his mark on the Italian team. It is easy to see in the games of Italy, the DNA of the Prandelli's technique.
This team scored a breakthrough when it was used to seeing in Italian football.
As for Spain, is experiencing a golden era over the history of football in the country. It is a team that has remained very strong throughout the tournament, but has some weaknesses, though not so evident:
- In the defensive process: to control Spain is essential to keep it well away from the opposing goal, due to the verticality of its game;
- in the offending process: here the technics to face the Spanish game will be to try to get the ball out of the pressure zone of Spain;
Furthermore Italy should emphasize the depth in view of safety in the passage of the ball. Spain has in the maintainnace of the ball its favorite weapon, so it is more than likely that the ball is mostly of the Spanish team.
As for the coach, leads the rankings of selectors, both of all Spanish (who exercise or have exercised), as all the selectors still active in the world, having conducted Spain three consecutive times for the final of a tournament. It is largely responsible for their golden age, though he never created his own thinking and way of playing.
Unlike Prandelli when Del Bosque took charge of the Spanish team, its technique had already well-defined.
So it has seen of the two teams, the game will promise a lot of excitement and surprises, not for the fact that both teams have a very similar style of play, very upright in the field.
The resurgence of Italy will continue to surprise us, or Spain will leave everyone amazed by the record once again become the best team in Europe?
Only in the end pf the game we will know it ...
Already, one positive note for Pedro Proença, the Portuguese referee who will officiate the grand final today, and reached the top of his career this year. Have refereed the final of the Champions League and now Euro 2012: this year blows the decisive games of the clubs and the selections championship.
The victory remains unknown, except in Madrid where they have doing voodoo tho Spain win this tournament!!!
Now back to repeat what had only happened in Euro 2004: two teams belonging to the same group and they had met in the 1st game, return to measure forces in the final.
In 2004, the result was the same (victory of Greece): here the only possible outcome is not the same as the group stage, because at that time the teams ended up tied.
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