As previously warned, all the songs present in the "Festival da Canção" this year had as inspiration in the fado, to mark the elevation of fado to an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. And it brought with it, advantages and disadvantages. Or rather, I believe that must have brought benefits, despite not seeing any. As for the disadvantages, for me the worst was the fact that, as were the performances of four blocks without any gap between them, it was impossible for most performances, can distinguish from each other. It did not take long for a dip monotony without finding any feature that made me choose a song or another. Of course not I include all the songs, just overwhelming.
Another negative aspect that I have already noted that, it was the gloomy aspect of this year. I've noticed that the fado is very easily associated with nostalgia and melancholy, but then to give a touch so dark ... took off much luster to the festival.
The last performance of the night earned the victory on the part of juries and the televoting: was the first time since there was that voting system.
In fact, was the best of the night. The melody was not the most predominant in relation to the other, but the interpretation of the singer and his vocal qualities have provided some quality music.
It's a song that easily can be heard on the radio, more than 90 years now.
The dramatic touch is that it was too much.
Was there any music that deserves to represent Portugal in the Eurovision and brought him a high rating (which in Portugal means at least stay in the TOP20 in the final)? Obviously not: this was the best choice (along with others who might have done).
Serve comfort us, the beauty of the singer that can attract the votes of the public who have not realized that the Eurovision is above all a music festival.
The passage will depend primarily on the international juries. And indeed, this song will certainly please the judges more than the public.
Spain and Pastoral Soler
It should be noted here the route so peculiar that Spain has done in the contest, out of their performances. If there is country that has enjoyed its status as a member of BIGFive to do as it pleases, without giving any importance to any violation of rules, this country is undoubtedly Spain.
Come by 2009. Even being directly in the final, all members of the then BIGFour are forced to live coverage of at least one semifinal, and vote on it. The whole process of allocation of each participant and each voter for the two semifinals is done early in the very year in which the Festival takes place to avoid any embarrassment or unforeseen.
Well, it was agreed at the time that Spain would vote in the first semifinal, where participated Portugal and Andorra.
However, for reasons that only this country know, much later they would eventually change their vote for the other semifinal because of the broadcast of a documentary about Eurovision (which was not live, but it had to be "necessarily" transmitted to the time of the first semifinal!!). So logically that would have to broadcast and vote in second semifinal. It turns out that the Spanish broadcaster responsible for transmitting the Eurovision had scheduled A LONG TIME AGO, the live broadcast of the tennis tournament "Madrid Open." Thus, the second semi-final was broadcast with a delay of 66 minutes, with only the vote of the jury.
A spokesman for the delegation of Andorra was quick to say that all this was nothing more than a strategy of Spain to prevent the country attibute points both to Portugal and Andorra, and thus tehy might not be able to pass the final and so would be at least less two obstacles to the success of the Spanish music. He said Andorra did not need the 12 points from Spain to pass to final. And in fact he hit, even though Spain had given Andorra the 12 points, Andorra could not pass the final.
It is true that this may seem like a "persecution mania" by Andorra and even Portugal, whose delegation also protested against these decisions and counter decisions of Spain. But the truth is that until today Spain did not give any reason to justify it's attitude.
Fortunately, in the final that year, there was an almost total boycott by the international juries to Spanish music (which earned the part of juries only 25th place with 9 points), as a protest against the behavior of Spain.
Indeed, also felt a little in the televoting, because only in Portugal, the Spanish song was the most voted. It's true: while Andorra has given the 12 points to Spain, it was also thanks to the jury (which would probably have some Spanish as members of the jury, and perhaps Portuguese - who are concerned first with the success of Spain -), because the 12 points from the televoting were to ... Portugal (which is not punctuated by the members of the jury, would come to receive only 6 points).
The day after the final of 2009, was published in the newspaper "El Mundo" that RTVE (the Spanish broadcaster that broadcasts Eurovision), got these problems and the delay in transmitting the second semifinal on purpose to avoid that Spain won because , would not be able to host the 2010 edition in Spain. Well .. such humility and lack of presumption ... left me momentarily speechless. This is a unique case that deserves to be a milestone in the history of Eurovision: a country that before starting the competition is sure to win and will do everything to prevent this happening.
This year, even during the month of March, Spain had already appointed their own. Even the music had not won the Swedish Melodifestivalen, and had already been used in Spain in an ad promoting a new season of Gossip Girl Series. Obviously this is a serious violation of the rules on the use of songs that are in a contest, and that obviously can not be used outside the context of the program.
The last time I read something about this, Sweden was considering a move action against Telecinco. Indeed, perhaps the habit of using and abusing Portugal to its beautiful-pleasure, that Spain has made judge he could do whatever he wanted for whatever country was.
As for music of this year, is undoubtedly better than those that the country led previously to the festival (though I do not remember the last year in which Spain took a minimally acceptable song to Eurovision - must have been before I was born), with a singer with a strong and reasonably powerful voice.
Good luck to both countries!
Who do you think should go to the final of Eurovision? Go HERE and give your opinion
It is expected a much better place than last year.
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