quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

O Filho de Deus (I)

Aproveito o facto de hoje ter sido o último dia do Pontificado do Papa Bento XVI, algo que não acontecia há quase 600 anos na Igreja Católica: uma Papa renunciar. E que tem sido visto como muitos como um sinal da fraqueza que a Igreja Católica está a passar, e que tem sido reforçado pelos escândalos e as intrigas que têm sido anunciados pelos meios de comunicação social.


A (falta) de originalidade do Cristianismo:

No Santuário, os fiéis adoravam e glorificavam o Redentor, Deus feito Homem, que nasceu de uma Virgem a 25 de Dezembro, que ascendeu ao Céu e que prometeu regressar no final dos tempos para julgar os vivos e os mortos. Os sacerdotes, escolhidos de entre os fiéis e iniciados no conhecimento supremo desta religião, celebravam uma refeição simbólica de pão e vinho em honra do seu Redentor, que prometeu aos seus seguidores que, aquele que não tomasse parte no banquete, e não comesse a sua carne nem bebesse o seu sangue, não ressuscitaria e não seria salvo.

Quem ler este parágrafo deve certamente estar a pensar que eu me estou a referir a Jesus Cristo. Certo? Completamente errado!!!
Recuemos até ao território onde actualmente está a cidade do Vaticano, mas no período anterior a Cristo.
No local onde agora de situa a Basílica e a Praça de S. Pedro, existiu um Templo Pagão que a Igreja Católica tentou a todo o custo apagar os seus vestígios. Que cerimónias pagãs seriam lá celebradas? Sacrifícios horrendos? Orgias obscenas? Ou outras ideias que a Igreja associou sempre ao paganismo?
Nada disso. Nesse Santuário pagão, os fiéis adoravam e glorificavam como foi acima descrito, o seu Redentor chamado Mithras como eu descrevi acima.
O culto a Mithras surgiu na Pérsia e tornou-se o principal concorrente do cristianismo no Mundo Antigo. Muito provavelmente, se o cristianismo não tivesse triunfado, o mundo seria mithraísta.
Ele foi visto como Deus feito Homem que traz uma nova sabedoria e uma nova religião, desafia a autoridade estabelecida, e até há relatos de ter transformado água em vinho num casamento, morre por altura da Páscoa e ressuscita 3 dias depois.

Esta é certamente uma revelação chocante para muitas das pessoas que a lerem. Mas as revelações não ficam por aqui.
Avancemos um pouco no tempo até ao ano 313 d.C. É com o Édito de Milão que são definidos os pilares fundamentais da religião católica, incluindo a divindade da pessoa de Cristo. Jesus passa a ser chamado como o único Filho de Deus: tudo o que dissesse o contrário seria considerado herege e seria banido.
Mas, em 1945 surgem os Manuscritos do Mar Morto que contradizem aquilo que a Igreja sempre anunciou. Neles é possível encontrar a referência a "Filhos de Deus" como aqueles que atingiram o maior conhecimento.
Vários autores já realçaram as grandes diferenças entre o Jesus Histórico e aquele que a Igreja nos apresenta.

No mundo judaico, os verdadeiramente piedosos seriam chamados de 'Filhos de Deus'. No mundo pagão havia a mesma ideia. Mas, a designação 'Filho de Deus' ia para além dos piedosos e entendidos, e era utilizada também para quem detivesse o poder.
No entanto, de entre as inúmeras pessoas chamadas de Filhos de Deus, houve várias com as mesmas características associadas à vida de Jesus.

- Osíris:

Um Deus que apareceu na Terra como Homem e que trouxe grandes ensinamentos e um novo culto. É condenado à morte pelas forças do mal. Morre, volta à vida e sobe aos Céus onde será juíz das almas até ao fim dos Tempos.

- Alexandre Magno:

O grande Imperador que uniu o Mediterrâneo no Império Grego, era filho de uma mulher iniciada no culto do Deus pagão Dionísio, que afirmou que Alexandre era fruto de uma concepção Imaculada, e filho de Deus.

- Júlio César:

Filho de uma Deusa com linhagem divina, usou o título de Filho de Deus, que depois foi adoptado por todos os Imperadores que lhe seguiram.

- Dionísio:

Um Deus feito Homem, que foi crucificado pelos seus opositores, mas que ressuscitou. Em Dionísio, o Filho de Deus torna-se um Redentor.
Nas celebrações em sua memória, comia-se pão e bebia-se vinho, em honra da sua morte, ressurreição e ascensão ao céu.
Os grandes filósofos e pensadores da Antiguidade eram iniciados neste culto a Dionísio.

Filho ou Filhos de Deus?

No Novo Testamento, Jesus nunca se refere a si próprio como Filho de Deus. Em S. Marcos, Ele intitula-se como 'Filho do Homem'.
Ainda hoje os cristãos afirmam que Jesus veio trazer uma novidade ao mundo: tudo o que ele afirmava seria uma novidade. Será mesmo assim?

Paganismo vs Cristianismo

Comecemos pela Ressurreição: a grande novidade do cristianismo foi a vitória de Cristo sobre a morte. Cristo estaria morto mas voltou à vida. Ora, esta mesma crença era partilhada pelos egípicos - razão pela qual tinham tanto cuidado a preservar os defuntos. Todos os rituais depois da morte evidenciam que a religião egípcia era uma religião da 'vida depois da morte'.
Eles também acreditavam que depois da morte a alma comparecia no tribunal do último balanço. À frente dele está a porta que dá entrada para a Sala da Absoluta Verdade, onde está Osíris.
São enormes as semelhanças entre a História de Osíris e a História dos restantes Deuses do paganismo, e até de Jesus Cristo.

Reacção dos Cristãos

Como reagem os cristãos a estas semelhanças que tiram qualquer credibilidade àquilo em que eles acreditam e que defendem desde sempre?
Os cristãos positivistas primitivos, no qual se inclui o grupo chamado 'Padres da Igreja' utilizaram o argumento do plágio por antecipação. Segundo eles, o demónio sabendo o que iria acontecer no futuro, criou estes mitos falsos para confundir as pessoas, e assim quando Jesus chegasse, as pessoas não acreditariam e não seriam salvas.
Por outro lado ridicularizaram e inferiorizaram a cultura pagã de modo a mostrar que o cristianismo era superior e por isso iria triunfar. O próprio termo pagão, que significa 'habitante do campo' foi criado pelos cristãos para menosprezar os povos que tinham construídos as pirâmides, que tinham criado e desenvolvido a filosofia, o teatro e outras artes.
A espiritualidade pagã era muito rica e com muitas semelhanças com o cristianismo.
A própria designação de Bom Pastor atribuída a Jesus, já era usada para Athis na Grécia Antiga. Apesar da ideia de amar os inimigos ser um grande avanço face ao judaísmo, no paganismo há relatos de pessoas que seguiam esta linha de pensamento.

Monoteísmo vs Politeísmo

Nas religiões monoteístas, o politeísmo é visto como algo inferior e imperfeito. No entanto o politeísmo também acredita na existência de apenas um ser supremo, mas que assume várias faces ao contactar com o Homem porque a sua glória é tão grande que apenas uma cara não é suficiente para a representar. Deus é uma entidade demasiado complexa para os Homens a representarem e compreenderem com um só rosto.
Todas as religiões existiram para que os seus membros consigam ver como a realidade é na verdade, e ascender ao conhecimento supremo.

Todos os Homens celebram o cosmos e a vida: apenas o expressam numa linguagem de símbolos, crenças e ritos diferente.
Uma das formas de o celebrar é através do mito do 'Filho de Deus'.
Jesus, o Messias filho de uma virgem e Deus feito Homem, foi apenas um desses exemplos. Para os seguidores de Jesus, Ele foi o Messias que lhes ensinou a verdade mais profunda.

Eurovision: in preparation for Malmö 2013 (V)

Continuing in the Nordic countries, I will now examine two more choices.


I will start to talk about one of the extrem countries in the Eurovision. Norway has the record of more times in last place - including last year when, against all predictions, Tooji finished in 26th place and only qualified for the final thanks to tiebreakers - and more times with null points (4 times). On the other side, Norway holds the record of winning with more points, achieved in 2009 by Alexander Ryback, with a total of 387 points
This year Norway is again represented by a female voice. Although the "Melodi Grand Prix 2013" hadn't a very good musical quality, the winning song was by far the best choice possible.
Of the remaining songs that went to the "Golden Final", the song "Bombo" played by Adelene, would be a song that would appeal more to the public vote. However Adelene failed to match the music and had some vocal problems. The song "I feed my Love You" is an interesting proposal, a rhythm of its own, between ballad and pop.
Margaret has a good vocal apparatus and manages to convey the message of the song. The rest of the elements on the stage from the lights to the drummer, contributed much to convey the message of the song. I think that this year Norway will not have problems to achieve the final.
From the countries that usually give more points to Norway, will vote on the same semifinal Iceland, Finland and Latvia.
But I think that both the juries and the public will enjoy this song, so there will not be big problems for Norway.


I will now talk about another country of extrems in Eurovision. Finland only won one time, in 2006 with the first heavy metal song to win the contest, with the 3rd biggest victory (exceeded only by the neighbors - Norway and Sweden -) and also was one of the most unsuccessful countries in the contest.
This year this nordic country brings us a very comic song with a good rythm. This year the finish final had a set of interesting songs. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranked had a better voice quality and proposals much more interesting both from the point of view of music, as from the point of view of performance on stage. But for me the best were the 3rd and 4th ranked. The first will appeal more to the juries and the other to the public.
But, there was a song that won both the vote of the public and the public. Krista has a carisma of its own and a comic performance on stage that is perfectly adequated do the song and a carisma that stood out from all competition. Also managed to convey a positive energy to the spectators.
Unfortunately this will not be enough to appease juries. Nor do I believe that it will be a great success among the eurovision public.
From the countries that usually give more points to Finland will vote in the same semifinal only Iceland and Norway. 
The finish sucess will depend on the performance on stage because the Krista's voice is already acceptable.

Goog luck to both countries!

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

Eurovision: in preparation for Malmö 2013 (IV)

Now I will talk about two Nordic Countries that were very wronged last year.


After the big sucess of 2010 (4th place in the final) and 2011 (5th in the final) last year Denmark finished in an unfair 23rd place. But I think that this year the fate will be different.
The Dansk Melodie Grand Prix 2013 had a many songs with an good quality. But I think that Denmark made the best choice.
Despite the potential of the other 2 songs in the Superfinal, the "Only Teardrops" had the best performance and can attract better the public.
Emmelie has a good voice and an interesting performance on stage. She cans embody the spirit of the song and transmit it to the public.
And the song is very peculiar and original. The instruments used remind me the traditional songs of this part of globe. And all the persons in the stage can enrich the perfromance. The whole performance was thought to detail: is chartismatic, full of energy and original.
I hope that this year Denmark could reach a better place in the final: they have a song that could please not only to the public but also to the juries.
From the countries that usually give more points to Denmark will vote this year in the same semifinal in which Denmark will participate, Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. But they will not have with them the two countries that in the past gave more points to Denmark: Iceland and Norway.

ICELAND AND Eyþór Ingi Gunnlaugsson

Iceland has done great furor among fans before the festival, but at the time of the festival has presented since 2010, results surprisingly low.
Last year ranked in 3rd place in the OGAE's voting's ,but in the festival stayed at 20th place with only 46 points.
This year Iceland brings us a very quiet ballad entitled "Ég á Líf".
Of the 12 songs in the competition this year, there were some interesting proposals but none have pointed out as the best of all. Not even the song of Yohanna (that brought Iceland to the 2nd place in 2009) was a very strong proposal. The music with that Yohanna tried again participate in Eurovision in 2011 was better than this.
Returning to the winning song, all the performance focuses on the presence and voice of the singer on stage.

Eyþór  has a good voice and good stage presence. Manages to convey the calm and the passion of the ballad, that reminds me of a romance with a happy ending. Unfortunately I do not know if it will please the audience to put Iceland among the top 10 of the second semifinal. From the countries that tend to give more points to Iceland will vote in the same semifinal of Iceland, Norway, Hungary and Spain. But from the 5 countries that give more points do Iceland will not vote in the semifinal 2, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
I think that Iceland will be more favoured by the juries, that can put it between the 10 more voted countries.
And I hope that Iceland will not change the language of the song.

Good luck to both countries!!!

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Eurovision: in preparation for Malmö 2013 (III)

Now I will talk about two neighbours not only geographically but also in terms of votes.


It's impossible to talk about Eurovision without to talk about one of the most successful countries. Since the introduction of the semi-finals, Greece always have qualified for the final and became in the TOP10. Well... until last year when Greece break its record and finished in the 17th place. But I think that this year Greece will return to the TOP10 and, who knows?, to the TOP5.
First of all, this year Greec showed to us that, despite having serious financial problems and with a tight budget, it's possible to do a great festival and present musics with a quality above the average.
This was the first year that the greek selection was made with an agreement with a private channel. And beside the goods songs in competition, the show had also the presence of great artists. Some previous winners of the Eurovision Song Contest - Elena Paparizou, Vicky Leandros, Dima Bilan, Ruslana, Alexander Rybak and Marija Serifovic - , and another famous singers including Eleftheria Eleftheriou (representative of Greece last year) and Ivi Adamou (representative of Cyprus, also laste year).
As for the songs in competition, for me the winner and the 2nd ranked songs were the best ones. I think that Greece understood that the europeans, especially the juries, are saturated of the greek POP, and presented only songs in a different music style than the usual.
Now talking about the winner. It's a very original and comic song, but unlike others that went to the festival in the past, this music is more energetic and less ridiculous, and easier to appeal to juries.
I can foresee another success among the public who may be accompanied by juries.


The Cyprus's last year song was a great sucess between the OGAE's and the bookmakers. But in the contest was below the desired. I think that there was to much optimism around the Ivi Adamou's song. This year, this Mediterranean island did a different selection process.
Before the final annoucement by the cypriote there were rumours around many artists names to represent Cyprus. Finally, on 1st February, the CyBC revelead that Despina Olympiou was the chosen and in 14th February was revelead the song: a ballad called "An Me Thimase". It's an interesting greek ballad. Despina has a good voice and it's obvious that she has many experience. But, this song certainly won't do much furor among the public. It's a ballad very simple and without anything that can appeal to the audience. There isn't any high moment in the song.
Cyprus doesn't usually have much success in this competition, and this year will not have in the same semifinal its great partner in votes: Greece.
Among the countries that tend to give more points to Cyprus will vote in the same semifinal where it will compete only the United Kingdom
The fate of Cyprus depends on how juries will classify its music, because from the public the prospects are not encouraging at all.

Good luck to both countries!!!

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Eurovision: in preparation for Malmö 2013 (II)

Finally I can start to comment the songs that have been chosen for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 that will be held in Malmö!!!
Let's start!


I'm gonna start with one of the Big 5, that won the contest in 2010 and remained in the TOP10 also in 2011 (10th place) and 2012 (8th place). After the choices of "Satellite", "Taken by a Stranger" and "Standing Still", I wasn't expecting this choice from Germany. We are facing a song that fits perfectly in "Schlager" style very characteristic of this part of Europe. This music has all the cliches, associated to this kind of music.
From the festival, I have to say that the quality in general was above the average. But I have to admit that I was expecting a stronger competition. I didn't like the performance of the major part of the finalists. And I never expected that the song "Nackert" came in 2nd place (with 12 points of the radio) and the song "One Love" in 3rd place.
Beside the winner, I like the song "Elevated".
There aren't many things to talk about the German choice. It will be difficult to put some originality in the performance. This song will appeal more to the public than to juries. And that will certainly make a splash among OGAE's. The worst thing that could happen to Germany would be finish in the last position in the final because as I said, Germany is one of the Big5 countries, so it has a guaranted place in the final.


Now I will talk about another german-speak country. After the bad result of last year (this country finished in the last place in the semi-final 1), this year Austria brings a much better song. It's original and with some charm, but I think that it miss something in this music. Although Natalia get a good pitch and vocal tract, I think it was not enough to convey the full potential of the music.
As for the competition, I have to say that this year the Austrian Final had a good musical quality in general. And the 2nd place - the song "Feels Like Home" performed by the artist Yela - and the 3rd place - the song "Rise Above the Night" performed by the artist Falco Luneau - were also good choices. I must say that I preferred Falco Luneau, but the choice of Natalia wasn't bad at all.
For the semifinal, Natalia must improve her stage presence and give more charisma to the music.
Austria doesn't usually have much luck in this competition: is almost always more benefited by juries than by the public who put it almost always among one of the last places.
Austria will perform in the semifinal 1, and from the countries that usually give more points to Austria will vote in the same final The United Kingdom, Belgium and Ireland. Some of the countries that in the past gave more points to Austria, Germany and Greece, won't vote in the semifinal 1.
The hope for Austria will be in the side of the juries.

Good luck to both countries!

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

Chair of S. Peter: who will succeed to Benedict XVI?

Todos os cardeais são candidatos ao lugar de Bento XVI como novo Pastor da Igreja Católica, e todos partem em pé de igualdade.
Mas claro que existem alguns que possuem maior favoritismo e sobre os quais recaem a maioria das apostas. São 10 os cardeais com maior favoritismo, num misto de nacionalidades, personalidades e visão da Igreja e do Mundo.
Antes de participar na nossa votação, pode ficar a conhecer um pouco de cada um dos cardeais.

All Cardinals are candidates for the post of Benedict XVI as the new Shepherd of the Catholic Church, and all run on the same footing.
But of course there are some who have greater favoritism and about which fall most bets. There are 10 Cardinals with more favoritism, a mix of nationalities, personalities and vision of the Church and the World.
Before participating in our poll, you can get to know a little of each of these cardinals.







Cardinal Christoph Schönborn